Sunday, July 6, 2014

Open call at The Space

web site

The Space, based in London but open to any nationality, is looking for original, groundbreaking ideas for digital art, and the skill to deliver it to a high standard.

In order to apply, you must be:

1. Over 18.

2. An individual artist applying alone, a group of individuals, an organization or a group of organizations from the arts, creative, digital and technology sectors - co-commissioning and supporting artists. No formal training or qualifications are required.

3. Based anywhere in the world.

4. Usually, you will have your finished artwork or project showcased on The Space within 6 months of being approved. Ideally, you will share the process of creating new work as you go along by offering blogs, materials from the studio or rehearsal or creative process, live Q&A sessions, and where possible, to share work in progress.

5. If you are applying in partnership with another organization, or technology provider, please demonstrate how you are working together.

To submit, go to

For questions, go to their FAQ page at Or send an email