Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Platform Group seeks playwrights

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The Platform Group is giving a platform for a cause! We are very excited to announce we will be partnering with Xavier Mission in Chelsea (whose soup kitchen feeds over 1,000 people each Sunday) on our #Freshstartproject

We will be gathering a group of Playwrights to interview the guests, and inspired by their stories weave together a show. Playwrights involved must feel comfortable talking to the homeless and working collaboratively. Ideally we are looking for people passionate about the project and the process of this kind of work.

Part of the proceeds will go directly to giving the guests of the soup kitchen a "Fresh Start". With the proceeds of the show we will be buying new socks and underwear to give out to the guests, and other items to make them feel fresh, clean and with new confidence to tackle their journey. Once the show is up, we will have an invited dress specifically for the guests of Xavier Mission. We will also be working on cultivating talkback sessions and give our audiences real ways to get involved if through our show they are inspired to do so.

If you want to get involved please e-mail interest, and resume to