Thursday, November 20, 2014

New Theatre submission guidelines

web site

Playwrights and/or Agents interested in submitting plays for our consideration please adhere to the following:
  • New Theatre produces World Premieres as well as second and third productions.
  • New Theatre primarily produces plays with casts smaller than six characters during its main season; do not send scripts with more than six unless they can be double cast.
  • New Theatre is not a presenter, so please don't send one-person shows that are looking for a tour date in Miami; we reserve the right to cast and produce the work accordingly.
  • Best times to submit play inquiries are July through November to be considered for the following season.
  • Make sure you send a self-addressed envelope if you want your materials returned and a self-addressed postcard to be advised it arrived.
  • Due to the large amounts of submissions each year, be aware that you will not be contacted for at least two to three months.
  • Please do not phone Artistic Director Ricky J. Martinez.
Email or send a query letter, brief description of play, character list, set requirements, and production history to our Literary Manager, Steven Chambers at