Thursday, November 6, 2014

Words by Women

web site

The window for Words by Women submissions is open again, now until November 21st, 2014 (postmarked).

Play guidelines
- Words by Women is open to female playwrights only.
- All plays must be full-length and never produced in NYC.
- Plays must require no more than 7 actors with special attention given to small-cast plays (2-3 actors). Doubling is okay.
- All plays will be considered for a full production with a staged reading and/or workshop as a first step.
- Words by Women submissions are automatically considered for Urban Stages' Emerging Playwright Award.

How to submit:

Electronic Submissions are not accepted. Please submit plays to:

Urban Stages Theater
555 8th Avenue, RM 1800
New York, NY 10018

- Write "Words by Women" on envelope
- Include a short summary and resume with your submission.
- Include a small SASE envelope for response letters. Whole plays will no longer be returned. All plays will be recycled.
- No submission fees.
- It usually takes two to six months for us to read and process your script. We ask that you do not call or email our offices to inquire on the status of your play.
- Plays outside the United States are accepted and will be considered.