Monday, December 15, 2014

2015 Adrian Pagan Award

web site

Thank you for your interest in the Adrian Pagan Award. We really look forward to reading your play.

Below, please find submission rules and guidelines, as well as a few tips from the reading team.

Sending us a submission indicates you understand and consent to these rules and guidelines.

Failure to comply with the rules and guidelines may lead to disqualification.

1. Please send scripts as a PDF or Word document.

2. Do not include your name on any part of the script. Entry must be anonymous.

3. Please send your name and contact details in a document that is separate to the script.

4. Please send an equal opportunities monitoring form. This information helps us understand our reach as an organisation and will help us improve our outreach efforts.

5. Plays should be full length; a minimum running time of one hour.

6. Please include a character list and information about how many performers your play requires. For example, if you have eight characters but two actors can play two characters,
please indicate that your play requires six performers.

7. Plays which were submitted to the 2013 competition are not eligible.

8. Anyone may submit a script, providing s/he has not had more than one professional
production of their work. We define a professional production as a three week run, with
press coverage. Edinburgh Fringe productions count as a professional production.

9. Multi-authored works will be accepted, provided all authors of the work are eligible as
specified in item 8 above.

10. Your submitted play must be original, new, and must not have been previously produced, optioned, or published. Translations and adaptations will not be considered.

11. The decision of the judges is final.

12. The winning play is immediately under option to the King’s Head Theatre for eighteen
months from the date of selection.

A word from the reading team:
We really look forward to reading your play. Before you submit, there are a few things you should know about the reading process, and a few words of advice we’d love to share.

1. Take every effort to ensure your play is easy to read. Things like formatting and spelling may seem trivial, but the easier you make it to read your play, the better the chances that we’ll really understand your play and your writing voice.

2. What are we looking for? Quite simply: a good story, well told, that engages with big ideas, is relevant to our times, and engages in some way with the live nature of theatre.

3. What we are not looking for: scripts for TV, film, or radio.

Your submission checklist:
- Full length script as a PDF or Word document with no identifying information anywhere in the document.
- A cover letter with the play’s title, your name and contact details. This information will be kept separate to your script during the reading and judging processes.
- An equal opportunities monitoring form.

Please send all three documents as attachments in an email to

Thank you very much once again for submitting to this year’s award. We wish you the very best of luck.

With best wishes
Nika Obydzinski, Literary Manager
And the Members of the Literary Department
King’s Head Theatre