Saturday, January 17, 2015

Guinea Pig Lab Spring 2015 Competition seeks monologues

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To launch our inaugural weekend of shows, the Guinea Pig Lab is calling for entries in a monologue competition. Monologues are due January 30, 2015 by midnight. 

Winner will be notified the following weekend, with a public reading as a part of Wichita’s Final Friday (a monthly, city-wide arts celebration) on February 27, 2015. 

Winners of the competition are welcome to attend Final Friday to hear their pieces performed.

The night of monologues will be followed by a full production of the family drama, fsh by Kansas playwright, Lisa Sillaway on March 1, 2015.

For the Spring 2015 Competition:
-submit a monologue of 3-5 minutes
-monologues must be family-friendly, or PG-13
-otherwise, you are welcome to select your own topic
-no fee to enter, no limit on monologues you may submit

You MUST be either currently living in Kansas or the KC Metro Area to submit or a former Kansas resident preferably with ties to the state. If you are not living in Kansas at the time of submission, please note when you lived in Kansas and why you are no longer in the state in your bio? (i.e. Lived in Kansas from birth to 18, now in Colorado going to CU-Boulder.)

Please send your monologue with a short author’s bio and contact information to, preferably as a pdf.

Remember, deadline is January 30, 2015.