Sunday, March 29, 2015

Landmark 2015 seeks 10-minute plays

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We are seeking new shorts scripts for our annual Landmark Festival. This year’s theme (to which submitted scripts should be related) is “Insider/Outsider” Scripts should be about 10 minutes long and not yet produced in Chicago. Selected scripts will be produced in the fall of 2015. 

Send full script to Margaret Lebron, Literary Director at by April 17
Please include a cover letter indicating your level of interest in participating in script development sessions in advance of the festival (note: not being interested/available for script development will not affect a script’s eligibility to be produced as part of the festival).

Our season theme is “Insider/Outsider”. This is a theme that applies in several different ways to the shows we’ll be producing this season – so don’t feel as though you need to take the prompt literally. 

We strive for a variety of tones, styles, and tempos throughout the festival – comedy is just as welcome as tragedy. 

Also keep our mission in mind as you are writing:
The Past is Prologue. We produce new and forgotten works from underrepresented voices. In this way, we relate the experiences of yesterday with the lives of today.