Friday, April 3, 2015

5th Annual Shakespeare's Birthday Sonnet Slam

web site

Things to know before you register:

If you sign up, show up!

The event takes place rain or shine.
Your Sonnet

Sonnet #s are assigned randomly and you will be given your # within a few days of registration.
Memorizing your sonnet is not mandatory but if you'd like to do that, feel free.
There will be paper copies of the sonnets at the event in case you need it but you can certainly bring your own printout or book.
Video and Release
Since we are videotaping the event, all Readers will need to agree to the release form. Details to follow.
Check in
Please be there on Friday 24th April Noon to sign in. Slam starts promptly at 1pm.
Once you check in with a Sonnet Helper, you will be given a Name tag with your Sonnet #.
After the check in, you can leave the area, just make sure you return at least 15 minutes before your Sonnet # to get in the lineup.
Please wear your name tag so you can meet other Sonneteers who are near you in the lineup.
Mic Protocol
One mic stand will be shorter and one mic will be taller - PLEASE go to the mic that fits your height. 
Do not try to adjust the mic height.
Do not yell into the mic - you are amplified, everyone will hear you. Just stand a few inches from the mic and speak normally.
Ten Readers at a time will be on deck in the back of the bandshell (there will be chairs) so please be aware who is reading before you so there is no dead air between Readers.
At the mic: ONLY Say your NAME, Sonnet #, speak your Sonnet then exit - it is a SLAM so please no pitching, no promoting - just you & your Sonnet.
Dress Code
Wear whatever you want! Fancy, funky, Casual or Elizabethan are all welcome.