Monday, April 20, 2015

The Bellagio Center Resident Fellows Program

web site

The Bellagio Center Resident Fellows Program offers academics, artists, and writers a serene setting conducive to focused, goal-oriented work, and the unparalleled opportunity to establish new connections with fellow residents from a stimulating array of disciplines and geographies. The Bellagio community generates new knowledge to solve some of the most complex issues facing our world and creates art that inspires reflection, understanding, and imagination.

Who Should Apply?

Residencies are open to university or think-thank based academics in all disciplines, literary artists, visual artists, and non-profit practitioners.

We have a strong interest in applications that align with the Foundation’s core issue areas: Advance Health, Revalue Ecosystems, Secure Livelihoods, and Transform Cities. The Foundations seeks to promote a broad, stimulating mix of disciplines and fields within the Bellagio Community.

The Center accepts applications from individuals as well as applications from collaborative teams of up to four people working on the same project. Residencies are typically four weeks in length.

Applicants are not allowed to re-submit any unsuccessful proposals, but they are permitted to submit revised versions. Applicants may apply up to a total of three times. However, those who have held residencies (or spouses who accompanied residents for more than one week) must wait five years before reapplying. There is a lifetime limit of two residencies.

News & Events

The competition opens on March 1, 2015 with a deadline of May 1, 2015 for a possible residency between February 8, 2016 to August 8, 2016.