Thursday, June 25, 2015

Radio Drama Revival Submission Guidelines

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Radio Drama Revival is dedicated to showcasing the best of modern audio drama, though “modern” can be interpreted loosely, as the show has featured work as far back at 1980 before, and even, on occasion, Old Time Radio (OTR) remakes.

By “best,” we mean work that we feel effectively showcases the vitality of the audio drama medium. This means meeting broadcast standards of audio recording quality, music, sound effects, dialogue, mixing, and more important than them all – story. After all, the story is the reason anything is happening at all.

We’re particularly excited by work that shows a command of the audio medium and creates a uniquely audio experience – something that could not be quite the same in print, film, or stage.

Mark Time-winning audio dramatist Jonathan Mitchell explains well what we’re looking for:

Radio drama offers an opportunity for a purer form of radio — it doesn’t exist to talk about something else or interview someone about their thing. It is the thing.
What Do We Want?

We’re not looking for clever sound effects or awesome music. Even great actors do not alone make great radio. We want audio that tells stories well, and embrace the diversity of storytelling forms out there. RDR has featured comedy, contemporary drama, mystery, fantasy, science fiction, speculative fiction, theological fiction and, of course, blood-curdling horror. The show DOES go out on broadcast radio at WMPG FM in Portland, Maine so while challenging subject matter is encouraged, gratuitous violence, language, and sex usually don’t work out. We also don’t generally feature pure comedy – though work that is funny is very welcome!

Programs that are 30-60 minutes tend to work best, though on occasion longer shows have been featured in multi-part episodes, and series have been featured in excerpts. RDR also usually features interviews with the producer and/or writer and actors.
How do we want it?

The web form below is HIGHLY preferred as the way of managing incoming submissions. Alternatively, you can email submissions [at]

If you INSIST on sending us snail mail – sigh – yes, you can do that, our address is:

Radio Drama Revival, LLC
PO Box 6334
East Rochester, NH 03868
What do you get?

You don’t get paid for broadcast on Radio Drama Revival. However, you reach an audience of thousands of audio fans and gratuitous links to your website. The typical Radio Drama Revival episode is downloaded over 5,000 times.

Podcasts are usually archived in perpetuity, but if for some reason you need the link taken down after a certain amount of time, that’s fine, just let us know.