Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Impact Theatre submission guidelines

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As our mission is to produce kickass new plays by upcoming playwrights, we generally select only unpublished full-length plays that are either world or regional premieres or have had very few prior productions. Here’s how to have your best shot at getting your play produced at Impact:

1. Your submission should be a single PDF document with the title being “[writer’s last name]_[playtitle].” So if your name is Jane Q. Badass and your play is titled Make Mine a Double, your PDF should have a filename like badass_makemineadouble.pdf. If your play title is long, feel free to title your PDF with a shortened play title.

2. This ought to go without saying, but your script should include a list of characters at the beginning, along with any notes about doubling or tripling. We need to know from the start what the cast size and requirements are.

3. Your email to us should include your play’s production and/or development history.

That’s it! Please email your masterpiece or any questions about the process to Literary Manager Christina Novakov-Ritchey (christina [at] impacttheatre [dot] com). Christina will email you a confirmation upon receipt. Due to the high volume of submissions, we are unable to provide feedback for each entry. If we are interested in your script, we will contact you within three months. Thank you for your interest in working with us!