Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Bechdel Fest

(No web site)

The Bechdel Fest is a celebration of stories about women, utilizing the famous Bechdel Test (for more info on the Bechdel Test, visit

Ampersand Artists is seeking new 10-minute plays that feature:
(1) At least 2 female characters*,
(2) Who talk to each other,
(3) And speak about something other than a man,
(4) And that has a “Yes, and…” moment that changes the course of the story.

*May also have more than 2 female characters and may also include a few male characters.

This evening of plays will likely be performed in a bar, café, or small black box space, so please keep the focus on the story and not on technical demands.

Submission deadline: September 1st
Performances will be in mid/late-October

Send submissions to:
Be sure to include contact information, character descriptions, and please edit your script for spelling and grammar.

Every submission will be read thoroughly and respected. If you have interests beyond writing (directing, acting, design, producing), please let us know!