Friday, October 30, 2015

Palm Beach Dramaworkshop

web site
  • Submission period is from November 1, 2015 through January 31, 2016. Work submitted before or after this period will not be considered.
  • All work must be submitted electronically as a PDF file. Hard copies and email will not be accepted. 
  • Please submit only full-length, non-musical works that have not yet been published or produced. We are seeking new plays that are issue-driven and thought-provoking in their approach to understanding the human condition. 
  • You must be 21 years of age and have the right to work in the United States. 
  • Florida playwrights are welcome to submit without representation. Playwrights outside Florida must have agent representation. 
  • The Dramaworkshop is not currently interested in one-person plays, theatre for young audiences, or one-act/short plays.
  • Please submit only one play per playwright.
  • PLEASE DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME ON THE SCRIPT PDF. Plays are blind read by Resident Artists; only admin staff can see names on submission files.
  • Along with your full-length script, please submit: 
  • a. a brief synopsis (2-3 paragraphs) 
  • b. a cast breakdown (including the specific number of actors, double-casting requirements, etc.) 
  • c. a brief bio/resume of the writer (again – only seen by administrative staff, not by readers.)
  • Due to the number of submissions, feedback will not be provided on play submissions. 
  • Please note that after submitting, you may not receive a response from Palm Beach Dramaworks for 6-8 months due to the time needed to read all submissions. Please do not contact the theatre to inquire as to the status of your submission. You will be notified after your play has been read.