Sunday, January 10, 2016

In Full Color monologues celebrating Women’s History Month

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Art House Productions is seeking monologues and art for the second annual “In Full Color," celebrating Women’s History Month in March.

The hit show is coming back with more women sharing anecdotes and monologues about love, loss, family, food, work, culture, education and more. Last year, 13 women spoke about everything from being mistaken for a terrorist to dating while Asian. Give the world a glimpse of life in your skin!

“In Full Color” aims to create artistic opportunities for WOC, to help them share their unique stories and lastly, to encourage cross-cultural and racial tolerance. The production is open to women writers of Black, Hispanic or Asian descent, of a mixed-race background or belonging to any other ethnic minority group.

Selected writers will work with director Summer Dawn Hortillosa and perform their pieces at Art House Productions, 136 Magnolia Ave., behind the Journal Square PATH Station in Jersey City, N.J. Non-performing writers may also be paired with an actress of similar background. Submissions should be five minutes max and have minimal set/tech requirements. Limited prop storage is available. Non-union, non-pay.

All submissions should be sent to The timeline for the project is as follows:

Submissions Due: Monday, Jan. 18
Acceptances Emailed By: Sunday, Jan. 31
Rehearsals: TBA between Feb. 1 and March 16; Each performer will have at least 1 to 2 rehearsals
Tech Rehearsal/Runthrough: Wednesday, March 16, time TBA
- Thursday, March 17 at 8 p.m.
- Friday, March 18 at 8 p.m.
- Saturday, March 19 at 8 p.m.
- Sunday, March 20 at 3 p.m.

Artists! We’re also seeking submissions for the promo image for “In Full Color,” which will appear on our posters, postcards and promotional banner outside Art House. Keeping in step with the rest of the production, we’d like to feature work by a female artist of color. Check out last year's fantastic image by Ruani Ribe above! Artists and designers should send JPGs of an image they feel represents the WOC experience by Sunday, Jan. 31 to

For more information, email To learn about the project, click here: