Sunday, February 14, 2016

PUT 2016: Family Reunion

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Submit to Panglossian Productions’ Pop Up Theater, an annual performance of ten-minute work.

The 2016 theme is Family Reunion

Submission deadline: March 1, 2016

Submit to:

Length: 10 pages or fewer

Performance date: April 22

Pop Up Theater is an annual performance of original ten-minute plays. Plays range from fully staged scenes to book-in-hand readings. The intent is for artists to get a work on its feet, in front of an audience, and see where it goes. The theme of each Pop Up Theater allows artists to find inspiration for a new story, focus an idea that has been stewing for a while, or dust off an old scene for a new life. The plays can be monologues, poems, skits, excerpts from larger plays, musical pieces, movement or dance, even performance art – as long as they fit the theme. You provide the work, and we’ll help you with directors and actors. The performance will be staged for a live audience and will be live streamed on-line.