Thursday, February 4, 2016

Scrap Mettle seeks new work

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Our first event will focus on theatre. NIGHT ONE: Successful applicants will have a selection of their piece presented during a night of readings. The pieces will be voted on by genre and votes will be tallied while a guest band plays an awesome set! NIGHT TWO: Pieces that move on will have a larger selection of the piece read in a similar format to the first event, and, NIGHT THREE: Those who make it to the third round will earn a staged reading of either the first act or the entirety of their piece produced by Scrap Mettle!

We only have two rules:

1. None of your work can have received any major grant or residency, and it cannot have been produced or shown at a major venue.

2. The work you submit must be a passion project and work that you have already been developing. Any new work written for this event will not be eligible and a complete draft* must exist. This is an honor system...except that you might be asked for a complete draft at any time.

(* We understand what it means for a piece to be in development and that your excerpt may be coming from a new draft that has not yet been completed. That is okay! As you progress through the program and work with our actors and directors, we hope more development will take place as well. Re-writes throughout the process are not only permissible but they are encouraged! We just ask that there has been a complete draft at some point in the piece's lifetime and that the draft be a minimum of 45 pages.)

things to know:
1. There is no cost to apply or to participate in Scrap Mettle's program.
2. Scrap Mettle Arts will provide actors for the readings. More resources are made available to the playwrights as they progress through the rounds, including rehearsal time and directors.
3. Playwrights will present longer excerpts as they progress through the rounds.
4. If you have written a musical and have recordings that go along with your pages, please email us at for further instruction.

Semi-Finalists will be informed by March 15th, 2016 at which time they will be askedfor a longer excerpt from their piece. Finalists will be informed soon thereafter.

The program will start at the beginning of April 2016.