Sunday, June 26, 2016

LILA's 2016-17 Season Script Submissions Wanted

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Call for script SUBMISSIONS
for LILA's 2016-17 season.

Theatre LILA, an Equity theatre company in Madison WI, is accepting submissions from playwrights and poets for our upcoming original work entitled The BED: a Theatre LILA invention. We are seeking short scenes ranging from five minutes to maximum of thirty minutes. We will not be accepting monologues. We are also seeking all styles of poetry, spoken word and original songs.

Writers should know that the entire scene will be set around a large four poster bed. Submitted works must revolve around this set piece only plus props. This is a highly theatrical play-space and we encourage artists to consider LILA’s style of storytelling (see our portfolio at when submitting. Previously produced works may be submitted.

Your cast may not exceed 8 actors. We are a company dedicated to presenting plays that represent our community and are seeking a diverse collection of voices from all cultural backgrounds, races and ages. We love to get inventive and say ‘YES’ so we encourage you to be fearless in your ideas.

All selected scripts will be combined to create the world premiere of The BED. This collage-like production will be produced by Theatre LILA in March, 2017. Writers will receive a small stipend, a pair of complimentary tickets to the production and acknowledgement in press, website and playbill materials.

Submissions are DUE JULY 10th, 2016. 

 Please email your submission in a PDF format to Subject line should read ‘The BED-(your last name)’