Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Suburban Holidays V

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Quannapowitt Players of Reading, MA are seeking one-act play submissions from New England playwrights for their New Works Festival entitled “Suburban Holidays 5,” scheduled for November/December of 2016.

Seen “The Nutcracker” too many times? Can you recite the speeches by every ghost in “A Christmas Carol” by heart? It’s time for some new holiday traditions!

“Suburban Holidays 5” explores the theme of the holiday season (in whatever form that means for the playwright). Though we receive many winter holiday themed submissions (Christmas, New Year’s, etc.) all other holidays are welcomed. Have a Valentine’s Day play? We want to read it! Kwanzaa? Send it along! Purim? We’d love to see it!

* Plays will be fully produced, with a full set, costumes, props, sound cues and rep lighting. The sets will be simple, but you are not limited to minimalistic set pieces.

* One-act plays of any length will be considered, but plays of between 10 and 25 minutes are most likely to be accepted.

* Playwrights may submit one play only. If more than one play is sent, then none of your submissions will be considered.

* Preference is given to New England playwrights (MA, CT, NH, ME, VT). If you are not a resident of New England, your play will be considered, but we do like to offer opportunities to our New England neighbors.

* Plays must be submitted electronically in MS Word or PDF format, written in standard play format to the festival Producer/Director, Patrick Cleary at . Paper copies of plays will not be accepted.

* Plays must be the original works of the playwrights and unpublished at the time of production. Preference is given to unproduced works, but works with limited production runs will be considered

* There are no restrictions on cast size. In fact, we welcome large cast plays! Original musicals will also be considered, though musical accompaniment will be restricted to a keyboardist, should a musical be produced.

Submissions must be received by noon on July 1, 2016.
Playwrights whose plays are chosen for production will receive a $100 honorarium. Playwrights are encouraged to attend the Festival, and will be given two (2) complimentary tickets to every performance.

Playwrights whose pieces are chosen will be notified via email no later than August 15, 2016. Selections will also be posted on the Quannapowitt Players website ( at that date. If you have any questions about this festival or the guideline submissions, please contact Patrick Cleary at

Please include the subject line “Suburban Holidays” on submissions and questions