Monday, July 18, 2016

Can Serrat Residency

web site

ONE full granted writer is invited for a two-months residency at Can Serrat, including accommodation, workshop spaces, local food supplies [the grant does not include travel costs ]

Then, a shortlist of artists are selected for a 50% or 30% support.

Can Serrat, is a rustic house close to an old and mysterious mountain – there is no topic to answer, although jury expects proposals who take in consideration the place and environment – as well as it is expected from the artist a position regarding contemporary creation .

Send an application between July 1st to August 1st

Documentation required:
-One and only pdf file named: “lastname-canserrat-Wcall-july-2016”

This file must contain:

3 pages sample of recent works (prose, poems, screenplays, etc…)
Cover letter introducing yourself and short summary of the project.
Curriculum Vitae

We accept applications in English, or Spanish. We will not accept applications in any other language.

Send application using the application form at the end of this page.

Total file size not to exceed 5MB