Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Lucky Penny's 5th Annual Festival of 10 Minute Plays

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Lucky Penny's 5th Annual Festival of 10 Minute Plays will be presented in Feb 24-Mar 12, 2017. The production title this year is "Kids Rule the 8 x 10" and we are asking for plays that include roles for young actors.

The REVISED submission deadline for "KIDS RULE THE 8 x 10" is July 31, 2016. The remainder of the timeline is as follows:

Submission deadline: Must be postmarked by July 31, 2016
Evaluation period: Aug 1-Sept 30, 2016
Authors notified and selections announced: By Oct 1, 2016
Selection of director(s) and casts: By Dec 1, 2016
Rehearsal period: Jan-Feb 2017 (At directors' discretion)
Performance dates: Feb 24-Mar 12, 2017 (3 weekends)


1. Submissions must be 10-minute plays that include at least one role for a male or female actor age 6 to 16. All subject matter is acceptable but plays must be suitable for young performer participation. Authors should write for an adult audience - this is not a children's theatre production. Comedy and drama, both musical and non-musical will be considered. Musical submissions must include sheet music/score as needed. Legal clearance of materials not in the public domain is the full responsibility of the submitting playwright.

2. Scripts and related materials must be postmarked by July 31, 2016.

3. Sets, lighting needs and other technical requirements must be minimal. Since the winning plays will be produced, no play considered technically un-producible will be considered.

4. Maximum number of characters per play is four, and for this year, at least one role must be suitable for an actor age 6-16.

5. Running time is to be 10 minutes or less, which may mean 6-10 pages depending upon the density of dialogue. Authors are responsible for submitting work that is within the 10 minute running time limit. Cuts will be requested of the playwright for any selected play which runs over the limit regardless of the number of pages in the script.

6. Plays must be typed/word-processed, numbered, and stapled. Do not use binders or covers.

7. Plays must be presented in proper script format.

8. No electronic submissions will be allowed. (And please don't tell us "Hey, it's the 21st century! Other people accept email submissions!" We know that. We don't.)

9. All submissions are judged blind and this requires two types of cover pages. One, a separate cover letter, will include your name, address, phone number, e-mail and the play title. The other will be on each copy, but only showing the title. There can be no identifying information on the script other than the title. Do not include the author’s name on every page.

10. There is no limit to number of plays that an individual may submit, but each play must be accompanied by the proper cover pages as described. Only one play per author may be chosen.

11. Scripts cannot be returned. Lucky Penny Productions assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged scripts.

12. The eight best plays will be selected from all entries by the reading committee. Notification to authors will be made by October 1, 2016. The eight selected plays will be staged in Feb-Mar 2017 as “Kids Rule the 8 x 10: A Festival of 10 Minute Plays.”

13. The author of the play chosen as the "People's Choice" will receive a $100 honorarium from Lucky Penny.

To submit your play:

Mail 3 copies of each script along with the two types of cover pages to:

Kids Rule the 8 x 10: A Festival of 10 Minute Plays
Lucky Penny Productions
1357 Foster Road
Napa CA 94558

The selection of directors, actors and designers for the selected plays is at the sole discretion of Lucky Penny Productions. An author may participate in the process if participation is requested by the producing company or the director selected for the project.
Entry of a script into this festival grants to Lucky Penny Productions the right to produce the entered play only for this specific event in Feb-Mar 2017 and authors retain all rights to their work for future production or publication.
The producing company reserves the right to remove and/or replace any play selected by the reading committee if, once in rehearsal, the play is found to be unproduceable as determined by the festival coordinator. Selection of a replacement play is at the sole discretion of the producing companies.
The producing companies reserve the right to reschedule or cancel the festival at their discretion if conditions beyond their control require it.
Authors, if their play is selected for production, grant to Lucky Penny Productions the right to use their name, biographical information and photo for purposes of publicity and marketing during the period Sept 1, 2016 through the performances dates in Mar 2017.
Submission of a script to this competition signifies the acceptance of these waivers and conditions if the play is selected for production.

Questions can be directed to Coordinator Barry Martin at or you may call or text to 707-738-2920.