Saturday, July 2, 2016

Wordsmyth Play Reading Series

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Wordsmyth Theater is now accepting One Act or Two Act plays for our New Play Reading Series for 2017. Six plays will be selected, with one slot reserved for a Houston, TX playwright and another slot reserved for a bilingual play — any language. Each selected playwright will be paired with a director and cast. The play will then be read in front of an audience and the audience will be invited to stay after for a moderated discussion of the play.

Submissions must meet the following criteria:
1. Play must not have been produced.
2. Play must not have had a public reading in the Houston area.
3. Submission must be received on or before midnight July 5, 2016.
4. Submission must be a minimum of 40 pages long and have a minimum run time of 40 minutes.
5. Submission must be in .doc, .pdf or .rtf format.
6. There should be no playwright identifiers anywhere on the script.
7. Only one play per playwright per submission period.
8. No musicals, children’s plays, or one-person plays.

Thank you!

Please fill out form and then upload your play through the submit button.

For problems or questions, email