Sunday, August 28, 2016

MITF: Fall Call for Scripts

web site

MITF: Fall is a combination of full-lengths, short plays and musicals, children’s plays, a Variety division (Magic Acts, Improv, Stand-up, Cabaret, Sketch Comedy, etc), the Short Play Lab, and staged readings. (There is a $250 fee for Staged Readings).

Short plays and musicals are the mainstay of the MITF Short Subjects but we're looking for any kind of play or musical that fits the guidelines:

• Short Subjects and musicals 30 - 60 min. long
• Full-lengths and musicals 61-90 min. long
• Easy to produce in a no-frills festival.
• AEA showcases are welcome.
• Any genre. (Short subjects using guns as props will not be considered; full-lengths can use guns as props).
• Plays must be sent in Word Document or PDF File.
• Pages MUST be numbered and script must be in standard playscript format.**
• The estimated running time of the play must be clearly indicated.

The Festival will take place at the Workshop Theater's Jewel Box Theater, 312 W. 36th St., NYC. MITF: Fall runs from October 29-November 20, 2016.
The Festival provides the WorkShop Theater's Jewel Box Theater, shared scenery (rehearsal cubes, a table, and 4 chairs), and front-of-house staff. Shows must be off book and provide their own board operator, stage manager, and company manager.

To submit a project, mark it clearly "MITF: Fall," and let us know whether it is a full-length, short subject, a musical, a variety act, a 10-min. play for our Short Play Lab, or a staged reading. We'll curate the entries as they come in, so you can start working on them as soon as possible. As this year’s SPL’s are the weekend before Halloween, plays with a “Halloween” or macabre theme are in demand. Please send all playscripts and all Variety submissions (video reels, YouTube, etc.) to:

We look forward to your submissions!

Submission Deadline For Short Subjects and Full-lengths is September 30, 2016.
Submission Deadline For Variety Acts and the Short Play Lab is October 15, 2016

(We curate the scripts as we receive them, and will let you know if you are accepted as soon as possible, so as to give you more time to prepare for your production. So, the sooner you get your script in, the better. For all submissions, only one show per writer, per Festival).

*Please read the Festival Manual to learn about MITF's Profit Sharing Policy (PSP), the participant's options and our requirements. SPL’s and Variety Acts are not eligible to participate in the MITF’s Profit Sharing Policy.
**12 pt Times Roman; character names in the middle on their own line; line spaces between speeches and stage directions; indented stage directions; 1" margins all around.