Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Relationship-rants seeks monologues, etc.

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Are you a frustrated Writer or Actor? Do you need to “Rant” do you long to have eyes and ears pay attention to you. Join Us Tuesday Nights for “RELATIONSHIP-RANT'S”

If being on stage makes your hair stand on end, bring an actor Friend to perform your piece. (They should be somewhat trained and familiar with the text)

The Relationship Theater is looking for short pieces for its weekly Tuesday night show “Relationship Rants” beginning September 12th, 2016. The pieces can be monologues, stand up snippets, sketches or humorous songs with a theme of the relationships we have with lovers, friends, co-workers, employers, pets and family. All submissions should not exceed 6 minutes. has a mission to develop new work and allow performers/ writers to do what they crave (be in front of an audience).

We are very excited to host this event at our Lower East Side Venue. (NYC)

No Fee, Note this is an unpaid performance and writing opportunity.

Deadline for the first show is August 12, 2016
Submission Process: scripts /video (Video is a plus)
  • Upload your video to your personal YouTube channel
  • Label it with your name and Relationship Theater audition and date
  • And then send the public link to info@