Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Playwright opportunity / Adaptation of George Sand's "Gabriel"

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Everyday Inferno Theatre Company is seeking an NYC-based playwright to collaborate on a new director-initiated project adapting George Sand's play "Gabriel". This project will receive a 1-2 week workshop in Spring of 2017, with specific goals to be decided on by the company and creative team once a playwright is in place. This workshop is exploratory, and any deadlines will be decided on collaboratively - the company does not have a specific end goal in mind for Spring. We hope that this project will continue forward past the Spring workshop, and potentially will become part of a future season for full production.

We are specifically looking for a playwright who is interested in the original material, and who is specifically inclined towards exploring the adaptation process in collaboration with the director, and with actors in the room.

To apply: Please email a resume, a 10-page writing sample, and a cover letter detailing your specific interest in this project to everydayinferno@gmail.com with the subject line "Playwright Submission: Gabriel".

Deadline for submissions: January 15, 2017 
(we may begin interviewing playwrights prior to this deadline)

Compensation: Everyday Inferno Theatre Co. will cover all production costs associated with the developmental workshop and will provide productiona and administrative support. No further compensation will be provided.

Format: PDF format is STRONGLY preferred. Google docs will not be considered.
An English translation of George Sand's text will be made temporarily available at http://www.everydayinferno.com/scriptsubmissions.html