Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Play-Off a short play contest

web site

Torrent is currently seeking new and exciting 10-minute plays for their upcoming short play contest. There will be four (4) submission periods over the next few months, each focusing on a specific theme to be announced at the start of the submission period. 5 or 6 semi-finalists will be selected from each submission period to receive a staged reading from which the finalists will receive a slot in Torrent Theatre's Play-Off production in the spring of 2017. The first-place winner of The Play-Off (as decided by the audience and an esteemed panel of judges) will receive a cash prize of $200.

Please see below for guidelines and details.

*Dumbshows: Plays Without Dialogue*
Open December 1st - January 31st


1. Scripts should be submitted during the designated submission period.
2.Each script should be no more than 10 pages long.
(Not including the title page and character list)
3. Electronic submissions must be submitted as a PDF.
4. Plays must follow the Samuel French formatting guidelines.
5. File name must read Lastname_PlayTitle.pdf
(i.e. Smith_FloodTheMind.pdf)
6. Plays should contain no more than five (5) characters.
7. Children's plays and musicals are unlikely to be selected.
8.Semi-finalists and finalists will be announced on our website and
social media platforms.

For hard-copy submissions, please send an inquiry to We will then send you a submission address. Hard-copy submissions will not be returned.