Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Women in the Age of Trump: ASKING FOR IT

ASKING FOR IT by Rhea MacCallum is a semi-finalist for NYCPlaywrights project "Women in the Age of Trump."

RHEA MACCALLUM’s plays have been produced on six continents. She is published with Smith & Kraus, Pioneer Drama, Original Works and Heuer Publishing. A member of the Dramatists Guild, ICWP and ALAP, she holds a BA from USC and MFA from the Actors Studio Drama School. www.rheamaccallum.com @rheaplaywright

Thanks to Rhea MacCallum for allowing NYCPlaywrights to publish this excerpt from her play ASKING FOR IT.


There’s no need to use that kind language.


What language?


You know what you said.




… gas-guzzler. Clearly you are predisposed to have an issue with this vehicle that allegedly hit you.


What do you mean ‘allegedly’ hit me?


We have not yet established that a hit and run took place.


But I was hit, by the SUV, bounced off the vehicle and hit the ground as the driver sped away. I have scratches.


Yes, but… those scratches may be from a previous encounter.   

They’re fresh. And red. There’s even a little blood.


I need to confirm… did you have a cocktail with your salad, or maybe take a pill, or maybe forget to take a pill?




So you’re normally this agitated?


No, normally I’m not hit by a vehicle while waiting for the light to change and normally I’m not interrogated for being the victim of an accident. Look, this has been a really long day and I’m kind of regretting calling this incident in but I felt like I should because a crime was committed and there’s somebody out there driving recklessly and I’d really like them to be caught before they seriously hurt someone.


So you had a long day?




Is it possible that your mental facilities were impaired at the time of the incident?


No, I am not mentally impaired.


But you are tired, so maybe you were in the cross walk a little and just didn’t notice? Maybe you stepped off the curb just a few seconds too soon?


No, I was standing on the slope of the sidewalk where it dips for wheelchairs. I know this because I was using the slope to help stretch out the back of my calves.


Oh, so you weren’t even facing the street then?


I was at an angle.


Did you see the driver before they hit you?


The tinted windows were too dark. I couldn’t identify the driver at all other than they looked masculine, broad shoulders, short, cropped hair.