Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Women in the Age of Trump: DEATH BY DOLLY

DEATH BY DOLLY by Vicki Vodrey is a semi-finalist for NYCPlaywrights project "Women in the Age of Trump."

VICKI VODREY  has had her plays chosen/produced by the New York International Theatre Festival, Detention #37 by ESPA, the Midtown International Theatre Festival, the Fresh Grind Festival, the William Inge Play Lab, the Unicorn Theatre, MeltingPot KC, Phoenix Theater, Egads Theater and Script2Stage2Screen to name a few. For further info, go to vickivodrey.com

Thanks to Vicki Vodrey for allowing NYCPlaywrights to publish this excerpt from her play DEATH BY DOLLY.

 (He walks towards her and begins to run his hands cautiously over her body.)


I…do…have the weapon.


It’s not on you.


It’s in my bag.

   (Steve walks over quickly and kicks the purse away from her.)


Yes, it’s in there! Be careful! I didn’t intend to kill anyone!


Sit. I need to handcuff you.

   (She sits and Mel quickly cuffs her to the chair.)

Steve, carefully search that bag.

   (Steve takes the purse carefully to the desk. He begins to life items out – a wallet, a school ID, and a hairbrush. He then jumps, pulling his hand out quickly.)



   (He sticks the end of his finger in his in his mouth, then looks at it.)

Damn! What’s sharp in there?!


The…weapon. Please be careful!

   (He reaches in slowly, feeling for something sharp. He slowly pulls something out, hesitantly. We finally see it is some sort of handcrafted doll. It is made of wire but is covered with some cotton, with silk stocking over it to make it look flesh colored. It has a dried up carved apple for a head. It has a pin in its genitals, one in its stomach and one skimming the top of his head.)


What the hell?


What the fuck is that?


My grandma’s doll.

   (Steve takes a quick glance in the purse.)


That’s all that’s in there, Mel.


Where’s the goddamn weapon, girly?


That’s it!!!


That – DOLL?!