Monday, January 9, 2017

Women in the Age of Trump: IT'S GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY

IT'S GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY by Paul Bowman is a semi-finalist for NYCPlaywrights project "Women in the Age of Trump."

PAUL BOWMAN, a retired maintenance man, writes plays and stories. He has had six of his one-acts produced; five of his short fictions have been published.

Thanks to Paul Bowman for allowing NYCPlaywrights to publish this excerpt from his play IT'S GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY


The management team thinks Jay will be a perfect fit.

   (HALEY steps backward.)


Are you serious?

   (ROBERT raises a conciliatory hand to console her.)


I know you must be---



Are you serious?? Him??




   (interrupting; louder)

He’s a salesman! What does he know?


Jay is very knowledgeable.


He doesn’t know the difference between a volt and a watt!

(HALEY looks at the floor, trying to make sense of it. She looks at them.)

He makes promises that production department can’t begin to keep! They complain about him all the time.


Haley, he got us the Regal Bio-Tech Industry contract. That’s---



Which were going to lose money on!


Haley. We have to think of the future.


He misses----he takes Friday afternoons off to play golf. Did you know that? He made a fool of himself at the Christmas party! He got drunk and grabbed Melissa’s boobs!


That was just hearsay.


I was there! I saw it! And should I mention the affair he’s having with Stephanie?

   (HALEY starts to pace.)


His personal life is not germane.

(HALEY stops.)


Then what is? Huh? His work record? I was the one who dealt with the press when that spill polluted the North River. I smoothed things over for us! Me! Not him! And if you had listened to me and followed my recommendation in the first place that spill could have been prevented. Which would have saved the company a boatload of money. Jay knows nothing of the manufacturing process! NOTHING!