Sunday, January 8, 2017

Women in the Age of Trump: SEARCH TEAM

SEARCH TEAM by Clinnesha D. Sibley is a semi-finalist for NYCPlaywrights project "Women in the Age of Trump."

CLINNESHA D. SIBLEY is a published poet, essayist and award-winning playwright. For more information, visit:

Thanks to Clinnesha D. Sibley for allowing NYCPlaywrights to publish this excerpt from her play SEARCH TEAM.

This is not just about women, okay. I’m talking about job applications and your so-called “weeding out” process. Need I remind you that Donald Trump mocked a reporter with a disability? 
Are you comparing me to Donald Trump? 
If the oppressive structure fits. 
You know what. This is bullying. I’m an honest guy, alright. Honesty is the best policy. My decisions are fair and strictly professional. Unlike you, who borderline sexually harassed me this morning using the term penis. 
“Locker room talk”. 
And you created the pile for that.  
Look. I don’t have a problem moving the three disabled applicants into the consideration pile. Here they are…one…two, and three. All I’m saying is this company doesn’t need another fault and liability claim. 
Do you know the health risks of sitting in a cubicle for hours at a time? Lawsuits are pending, dude. 
Hey, you chose this, alright, the point is, we’ve called for applicants who need to be able to-- 
Prepare travel documents, schedule monthly meetings and send out mailers. 
We don’t have an elevator. We don’t even have a handicap ramp. 
That’s exactly what our cheap boss with the penis face would say. Your logic has his watermark all over it. 
We can’t accommodate-- 
A ramp for a wheelchair? That’s a reasonable adjustment. See, this is why this company needs an HR department. Because this “search team” has a discrimination problem. 
I’m discriminating? 
Yes! I know discrimination when I see it. I’ve had dyslexia my entire life! 
Dyslexia is not a learning disability anymore. It’s just a way of learning. 
Whatever you say Joe. You’re an expert. And apparently the head of the search team. With your sorting strategies. 
Nothing. Just. All I ask is that you re-read the job description.
You read the job description, Joe. Read it over and over and over and over again. Read the job description and note the disclaimer that job duties and responsibilities may change depending on the evolution of the company. 
I know the disclaimer-- 
Be sure and note, Joe, the verbiage regarding Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action that clearly states-- 
I know the statement! It’s how you got here! 
   (A beat.) 
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that in a… 
Honesty is the best policy, right? 
   (MURPHY sips HER coffee and continues looking through the applications. JOE adds the three applications from disabled applicants to the pile for consideration.)