Thursday, January 5, 2017

Women in the Age of Trump: TOUGH COOKIES

TOUGH COOKIES by Brett Hursey is a semi-finalist for NYCPlaywrights project "Women in the Age of Trump."

BRETT HURSEY's comedies have appeared in over two hundred and fifty theaters across the country including venues in Boston, Washington DC, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Hollywood, as well as internationally in England, Belgium, Luxembourg, Romania, Australia, South Korea and Canada.  He's also had over fifty off/off-off Broadway productions in Manhattan.

Thanks to Brett Hursey for allowing NYCPlaywrights to publish this excerpt from his play TOUGH COOKIES.


No -- I paid for a fortune -- and I want a fortune.    (Throwing down the slip of paper) 
Not this lame crap!


Ooooo-kay. No problem. I’ll be right back.

   (WAITRESS quickly exits stage right.)


Don’t you think you’re overreacting a little?


Look, all I want is a fortune cookie with an actual fortune inside. Is that asking too much?


OK, fine. Calm down -- you’re making a scene.

   (WAITRESS enters stage right.)


   (Placing a plate on the table) 
Here we go -- new cookies for everyone…


   (To ROXANNE) 
You go first.


You sure? I mean, I wouldn’t want to stand between you and a fortune you’ve already paid for…


Ha, ha. Very funny.


   (Opening the cookie -- reading) 
“Your smile is a sunrise on dark horizons.”


(Opening his cookie-- reading) 
“Whew -- it’s about time I got out of that lousy cookie.” 
   (Throws the slip of paper down) That sucks! I want another one!


Alright! Give me a second.

   (WAITRESS runs off right.)


Come on, Chaz…


No! No way! I’m not taking this…


Taking what, Chaz? They’re just cookies…


Says the girl who gets all the good fortunes -- for free…


Jesus, you really are a jerk-face…

   (WAITRESS enters stage right and places one cookie in front of ROXANNE and one in front of CHAZ.)


   (Opening her cookie -- reading) 
“Watch your step -- love is right around the corner.”


   (Opening his cookie -- reading) 
“You will be hungry again in another hour.”