Monday, May 1, 2017

MOJOAA Performing Arts Company is seeking 3-­10 minute plays and monologues written by men of color

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MOJOAA Performing Arts Company is seeking 3-­10 minute plays and monologues written by men of color on the theme of "reclamation" to be performed on August 12, 2017 at Mordecai Historic Park. Mordecai Historic Park was once one of the largest plantations in Eastern North Carolina and the chosen production will be staged on the front steps of the original “big house”.  

Pieces should be original, previously unpublished works with 5 characters or less and minimal technical needs. You must have the rights and permissions for any unoriginal material in your piece.

COMPENSATION: Compensation is $50 and publishing.

SUBMIT: To submit, please send an email to with your name and phone number in the body of the email and attach your piece. 

All submissions are due by May 31, 2017 at 11:59pm EST. 

You will receive a confirmation email within 48 hours and notified about the acceptance of your piece by June 15, 2017.
Email questions to