Sunday, June 4, 2017

CALL FOR SHORT PLAYS about gay hookups

web site
  • Please read all information carefully, as this is a very specific call for a very specific project. 
  • Plays must be about gay male hookups, but can explore any aspect before, during, or after. 
  • Plays may not be longer than ten minutes, but can indeed be shorter.
  • Plays should have no more than four characters.
  • Eight to ten plays will be selected to form a cohesive evening. 
This is the important part:

Once the plays are selected, they will be merged to form a single show. The plays will not be changed, but interstitial connective tissue will be written to connect the plays. We solicit permission to change character names in the interest of this unification. If other changes are necessary to maintain continuity, we will ask permission to make those changes.
  • We will ask that playwrights allow titles to be amended to, e.g. "Bob and Joe Find Out They're Cousins," in the interest of making each a "chapter."
  • Playwrights will be fully credited for their "chapters."
  • Plays will be chosen based on how they may best fit together to tell a story.
  • No restrictions on content, but keep in mind that anything TOO far afield of realism will have trouble fitting into a continuous evening.
  • The evening of plays will run minimum of 20 performances at a Fort Lauderdale theater in late summer/early fall; exact dates to be determined.
  • Selected playwrights will receive royalties of $10 per show (so minimum $200 for the run). 
Deadline is June 23, 2017 or whenever we've received enough plays to fulfill our project, so send early.

Send plays to Please include all contact information, as well as this statement: "I fully understand and agree that my play will be part of a single story incorporating eight to ten short plays. I give my permission for character names and the title to be changed in order for my play to be part of this singular vision, and permit--upon written request--reasonable changes to accommodate continuity."

Confused? Please send any questions to