Friday, June 16, 2017

Scratch Night at TNC

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Crystal Field and Theater for the New City (TNC) will present a varied schedule "Scratch Night” performance program, which offers the opportunity for artists to present work in progress to an audience for one night. Scratch Night started in the United Kingdom in 2000 to show work in progress in an evolution of performances. At TNC, we will put our own spin on the idea to best serve our own theatre community and New York area audiences.

Our hope is that participating artists will learn something that will feed their work. And the best thing that can happen is that a piece of work will go forward into… either at TNC or elsewhere.

Scratch Night is looking for a variety of the most daring artists to try out their most cool thoughts on stage and the audience will help in the development by way of TNC’s scratch ballot. Scratch Nights will take place throughout the year on a varied schedule. All theatrical forms are welcome. All stages of development are welcome.

What are we looking for?

Original theatre, puppetry, performance art, music, dance, and mixed media collaborations. No set running time.

Please forward all materials to Michael Scott-Price,

Must include the following:
  • Biography with contact information of the artist’s name, address, telephone number and email address 
  • Synopsis of the work 
  • Sample or concept of the work, no more than 10 pages 
  • Biographies of collaborators, if available 
  • Description of stage set (if any) and production needs (i.e. sound and lighting)
If you would like your work to be considered, please send a ten-page sample of the script, brief synopsis, bio and subject line: “Scratch Night submission” to us via email at