Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Bechdel Group bi-annual 24 Hour Challenge seeks playwrights

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A Call for Actors and Playwrights ...
Our bi-annual 24 Hour Challenge is upon us!
On Monday, July 24 from 6-9pm we will present up to 10 short plays written in a mere 24 hours!

We will be taking:
Up to 10 playwrights (or playwright teams, if you and a friend want to partner up)
Up to 15 actors

Here's what will happen:

Will come to a half-hour meeting/fantasy actor pick on Sunday, July 23rd at noon (at a TBA space in Manhattan).
Will complete an up to 10 page play by 1pm Monday, July 24th.
Will hear their plays read the evening of Monday, July 24th, relaxed with drink in hand.
Will arrive by 6pm at Jimmy's No. 43 (43 E. 7th street in the East Village) on Monday, July 24th to pick up and look over their scripts.
Will impressively mostly-cold read the phenomenal work of our playwrights.

Want to Play?
Reply to bechdelgroup@gmail.com
Let us know if you're a playwright or an actor.
Actors, include your headshot.
Playwrights, be sure you can make it to the Sunday meeting/actor pick. 
(And to the actual event, of course.)
We will fill spots as we hear from you.

Other details:

Actors, we will email your script to you once your playwright(s) have submitted to us the afternoon of the 24th so you can glance over it (if you would like to).
Playwrights, we will do all the printing for you.
This is a writing challenge, so the readings will be cold.
Playwrights will be asked to follow a handful of parameters, including:
Passing the Bechdel Test
Incorporating a mystery challenge