Saturday, July 29, 2017

The World Crime League’s F**ked Up Xmas Special”

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Play Submissions for “The World Crime League’s F**ked Up Xmas Special”

We’re looking for an assortment of fresh and original holiday(ish) plays to fill an evening. Since this is the World Crime League, we’re not looking for your traditional feel-good, holly jolly holiday fare. We’re looking for dramas and comedies as black as the soulless coal eyes of Frosty the Snowman, and perhaps some horror plays, more frightening than an eternity of being forced to listen to the “Christmas Shoes” on loop.

The World Crime League’s F**ked Up Xmas Special will be performed at the Phoenix Theatre in Minneapolis, December 7-10, 2017.
And now the rules and guidelines (read all these before submitting):
-The World Crime League will start accepting submissions beginning April 1, 2017 and continue accepting them until August 1, 2017. 

There is NO entry fee.
-Scripts should have a title page that contains your name and contact information.
-Submissions should not exceed 30 minutes- there is no minimum for length. We are also potentially interested in monologues to be performed between longer pieces. No musicals, children’s plays, or adaptations (fresh spins on folk tales and legends are welcome).
-Although this is referred to as the “F**ked Up Xmas Special,” it does not mean that plays have to be restricted to being about Christmas. Works dealing with Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, the Winter Solstice, New Year’s Day and anything in between would be considered. You know...the winter season holidays and such.
-Scripts should be submitted in PDF format. Send your submissions to
-We’ll consider scripts from anyone, anywhere. Just keep in mind that your submission(s) should meet with the theme and guidelines of the festival. Also, this is a given, but you should be the author of the piece being submitted.
-Every individual involved in this project will be paid a small stipend, consisting of an even cut of the box office profits. Playwrights will also be able to see the show for free, if they are able to make it.
-Submissions do not have to be world premieres. We don’t care if this would be the first or fiftieth performance of your piece. We only ask that your script has not received a professional performance in the Twin Cities area (staged readings, workshops, and academic performances are fine). Playwrights retain rights to any submitted work.
-Please refrain from submitting plays dealing with dysfunctional families coming together for the holidays, unless you have a very unique spin. Nothing against these type of stories, but they’ve been done to death.
-We’ll accept a maximum of two submissions per playwright (plus one monologue, if you have one). If you submit two knock-out scripts, there is a chance both will be performed, but you would still receive the same cut of box office.
-These plays will be performed by a small ensemble of actors, so please try to submit works with small casts (or plays that can be achieved by doubling with said small ensemble). By small cast, I would suggest not having more than five or six people onstage at a single time.
-The Xmas Special will be presented at a small venue, most likely with a minimalistic set. If your play can work with that (or be made to work with that), send it on!
-Plays will be reviewed and selected by the World Crime League and a jury of directors and other theatre artists who may be involved with the production. Depending on volume of submissions, this may be a lengthy process-so be patient if you don’t hear anything for a while. Playwrights will be notified whether their submission is accepted or not.

If you’re interested in being involved with this project as an actor, director, and/or designer: keep your eyes open for updates. Although the World Crime League won’t be hiring directors and designers until we have an actual date and venue, you can send your resume to for future consideration. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reply to this message or email/private message the WCL.