Saturday, August 5, 2017

An evening of Monologues & Shorts

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A medium-brow charity event to benefit the NY Foundling. The 90 minute show will be made up of original and contemporary monologues and shorts followed by a reception.

The event will be a wonderful opportunity for artists, actors and writers alike. It is a chance to perform, to workshop new pieces and ultimately to share and create fantastic stories.

The arts are as important and vital to our world as ever and this evening will be a charitable experience in more ways than one. While benefitting the NY Foundling and the amazing work that they do, it will also be a special opportunity to share gifts, to give from your heart, and to be delightfully entertained amongst friends, colleagues, fellow artists, and an appreciative audience.

The show will be mostly made up of original monolgues and short plays.

Monologues - 2-4 min.
Short Plays - 10 min. up to 4 characters

The submission deadline is Monday August 8th.

Once the plays have been selected, casting will take place and there will be a short rehearsal period before the performance on October 21st.

Email written work in either PDF or Word doc format.