Thursday, August 3, 2017

Villa Ruffieux Residency Valais Switzerland

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The Villa Ruffieux is a residence for interdisciplinary artists located at the heart of the Alps in the town of Sierre (Valais, Switzerland) and on the site of the Mercier Castle which is responsible for its administrative matters. Each year, around 10 artists stay here for around 1 to 3 months at a time.
The residency is open to all professional artists working in the field of visual arts, music, literature, theatre, or cinema, with no distinction made based on age or nationality. Researchers and scientists are also welcome.

Each stay should last between 1 and 3 months.

The residency will provide each resident with free use of one room and one workshop, office, or working area.

It will also cover the cost of the travel to and from the residency.

Each resident will be provided with a monthly stipend of CHF 1,500. (Swiss Francs)

Residents are required to take out liability insurance, as well as medical, and accident insurance.

Residents must undertake a specific project during their stay. The description of the project, and its challenges, form part of the application process and will play a key role in the jury’s decision. The candidate is expected to explain why the Villa Ruffieux Residency Program, and the context of the region, are important for the project realization. If the candidate wants to collaborate with local agents or institutions he/she must explain with whom, and why.

The residents must manage their stay, and work, independently. The residency program does, however, have a coordinator available for any questions regarding the stay of the project. The coordinator responds to mails, or is available by appointment (contact:

If possible, residents are expected to make their project accessible to the public in the form of an exhibition, concert, performance, workshop or conference etc., in collaboration with the residency staff.

Residents are responsible for their meals and the household. Normally, additional guests cannot be hosted in the residency, unless there has been prior agreement from the residency administration.

Several times during the year the residency staff organize dinners to make it possible for the residents to meet other people from the region who are working in their field.

Application forms should be sent by email to:

Candidates must send the following four documents:

1) Application form

2) Motivation letter

3) Resume

4) Portfolio in PDF form

The applications which do not follow these specifications will not be part of the selection process.

The secretariat will not download documents through platforms such as WeTransfer or Google Docs.

Jury members will not check websites during the selection meeting.

Residents will be selected once a year, in September, by a committee of 5 people designated by the governing board of Chateaux Mercier Foundation.

The jury’s decision is final and no justification will be given.

The application deadline is August 31st, each year.

The selection meeting is held in September.