Sunday, September 10, 2017

It’s Not a Box Theatre seeks stories for pod play

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It’s Not a Box Theatre are looking for intimate stories for their pod play Overhear.

(A pod play is a piece of theatre where the text is heard through an iPod or similar device. This theatre piece will work in conjunction with a smartphone app, making for a truly modern theatrical experience and process.)

Overhear is an intimate interaction between one story teller and one audience member at a time, telling a true personal story that you wouldn’t necessarily tell in front of large groups. For this new part of the project, we are focusing on the stories of people who have moved to a new country. The focus of the project centers around individual’s stories about immigration, being displaced from ones home and living in an unfamiliar place. We would love to hear your true story that this prompt brings out in you. The story can be told in any written form or language- music, poetry, etc.

They are looking for 6 pieces of work. If chosen you are welcome to present your own work, but if you are unable to be in Paris for the performances, It’s Not a Box will source actors to interpret your story for you.

Chosen applicants for the production will be paid for participation in this project. Storytellers and actors will also receive a copy of their audio performance and the possibility of participating in future productions around the world.

Performances will be held between 26 October – 6 November 2017. Prior to the show run there will be at least one rehearsal and one technical rehearsal. Performers will also be needed to record the audio of their piece in a studio – date TBA.

How to apply: Please send story submissions and/or your acting resume to

Deadline: 16 September 2017