Thursday, September 7, 2017

Small Fish Radio Theatre Annual Horror Show 2017

web site

Deadline is midnight, September 15, 2017.

Submissions must be specific to the Horror genre.

Gothic, Supernatural, Non-Supernatural - whatever invokes FEAR and DREAD!


Short Plays - No more than 10 minutes in length.

Five Actors or Less – This does not mean five characters or less, it simply means
your short play, story, or poem must be able to be performed by a maximum of five actors.

NO STAGE DIRECTIONS – While this may seem obvious given our
“radio” format, it is important to remember that your play is
conveyed through the dialogue, music, and sound effects.

Please do not submit recorded radio plays, stories or music.
We are not accepting produced radio plays.

Multiple submissions are acceptable, as long as you follow the guidelines listed above.

Additional playwright submissions resources may be found at

Please send your submissions (or questions) to:

Please follow us on Facebook for news of our next call for submissinos.

Small Fish Radio Theatre and Thespinarium produces portable theatre for the ear. Since 2012 we’ve produced over 30 podcasts featuring the work of over 50 artists from around the world. We’ve recorded live at Chicago Fringe, Chicago Dramatists, The Biograph at Victory Gardens Theatre, and Simon's Tavern in Andersonville.
Small Fish Radio Theatre was a top-featured podcast on Atlanta Fringe Audio for four years running.
Whether recorded before a live audience or in the studio, our podcasts are offered for free here
on iTunes and via our website -

To listen to our latest program, you may download the FREE podcast from iTunes and listen at your leisure, or go to our home page to listen there.