Thursday, October 5, 2017

Talk Back Theater seeks plays by women

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TBT is dedicated to producing staged readings of full-length new work. For our purposes, "new work" means that the play has never been fully produced. Previous readings and workshops do not render the piece ineligible. We are creating a forum for conversation, and as such we are seeking plays that raise questions about pertinent social, political, or environmental issues of our time.

This call for submissions is for plays by women, about women. We invite all woman-identifying playwrights to submit a piece that both highlights a significant social, political, or environmental issue AND features woman-identifying characters. Topic can include, but is not limited to, women's rights and gender inequality. For instance, plays about immigration or the impact of global warming that centers around female characters are just as eligible as plays about unequal pay or reproductive rights, so long as the playwright also identifies as a woman.

Submissions are open October 1 through October 31!

At the beginning of November, we will commence our play selection process. We will announce the chosen play in late-December or early-January. The reading will take place in Orange County, California in March 2018. While we highly encourage playwrights to attend rehearsals and readings, we understand that it may be impractical in some cases and do not require it. We do not discourage non-local playwrights from submitting, however we are only accepting applications from playwrights based in North America..

In addition to a desire to foster conversation within our diverse community, TBT also seeks to support new voices in North American theatre and local artists. As such, the playwright of the selected work will receive a writer's fee and will not be responsible for the payment of actors and directors nor the rental of spaces. Please note that TBT cannot provide any additional funds for travel or lodging, though we may be able to help arrange either.

To submit your play for consideration, click the SUBMISSION FORM button on the TBT web site to access the application. Be prepared to answer some basic questions about you, your play, and the important issues your story addresses. You will be asked to upload your full script in PDF form, and we ask that you include a title page and use the file name format LASTNAME_TITLE.pdf.