Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Everyday Inferno submission guidelines

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We accept writing samples for consideration of full-length plays throughout the year. All submissions that meet our guidelines will be considered for future production. Plays submitted as "production ready" will be considered for inclusion in production slots in our upcoming season. Plays submitted as "reading or workshop" will be considered on a rolling basis for development opportunities.

Length: At least 60 minutes in production
Compensation: Everyday Inferno Theatre Co. covers all production costs associated with rehearsing and performing the piece. In some cases, we are also able to offer a small stipend to our full length playwrights. Playwrights retain copyright and full ownership of their plays.
Important: Please ensure that a character breakdown (including age and gender, if applicable) is included on the version of the script you submit to us.
Format: PDF format is STRONGLY preferred. Google docs will not be considered.