Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Panglossian Productions is seeking 10-minute plays

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Panglossian Productions is seeking 10-minute plays for our new podcast, the Best of All Possible Podcast. The weekly podcast showcases short new plays by putting them up for cold reads with a carefully selected and talented cast. Afterwards, the panel (typically consisting of the moderator, cast, a theatre professional or special guest) discuss the play, the topics it raises, possible staging scenarios, or whatever the panel decides to discuss.

Here is what you need to know:
-The submission process is ongoing. As long as the podcast is running, we are happy to receive submissions
-You may submit more than one play (as long as you feel that it is worthwhile, submit it)
-Plays must be approximately 10-minutes in length (you can still submit one-act or full length plays through literary@panglossian.org for our Plays In Progress series, but they will not be considered for the podcast)
-You will be notified via email if your play is selected to be featured in a podcast
-Submissions should be emailed in PDF format to literary@panglossian.org and contain the following information
1. Playwright name
2. Playwright contact information including email address
3. A brief statement about the playwright and the piece itself (be creative, but honest)
-If you would like to listen to our first 9 episodes, you can find them on iTunes
-If you have further questions, please email them to literary@panglossian.org

Why are we doing this?
According to our namesake, the dementedly optimistic Dr. Pangloss, “All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.”

Most of the time, the world falls short. As any young artist who decides to build a life in the performing arts discovers, it’s hard to get experience without already having it. It’s even harder to convince people to take a gamble on new works and innovative ideas, no matter how exciting they may be.

What’s safe is always… well… safe. And that’s fine. But safe things don’t ignite passion in us. They don’t make us catch our breath or question how we live or want to go running into the streets to tell people what we’ve seen. So, we choose projects that take risks and that are worth the risk.

We exist in order to boldly and thoughtfully create:

Unpretentious productions that challenge our audience without patronizing them.
Opportunities for talented and dedicated young artists to gain meaningful experience.
Development of new, innovative, substantive, and semi-crazy artistic ventures.
Visit us online at panglossian.org or find Panglossian Productions on facebook.