Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Tribe Spring Reading Series

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Playwrights! The Tribe would like to invite you to participate in our second annual Spring Reading Series! If interested, please read this message in its entirety so you can adhere to all our submission guidelines.

The Tribe's Spring Reading Series is a platform for new playwrights who wish to have their stories voiced before an audience followed by a brief facilitated talk back.

4 plays will be selected and will be given a staged reading in New York City  during the month of May and considered for full production in our upcoming season.

We are looking specifically for full length plays with 2-8 characters in their 20's or 30's. We encourage playwrights of all genders, ethnicities, and ages to submit.

Deadline for Submissions is NOV. 30th

Submission Guidelines:

Please follow the guidelines carefully. Your play will not be considered if you do not include each step. The more information you give us on your play the easier it will be for us to determine whether or not your play is a good fit!

  • Two submissions per playwright max.
  • Please submit your works to 
  • Include in the subject line “the title of the play, and your name”. 
  • Submissions must be accompanied by the following information in the body of the email,
  • The title of the play;
  • The author’s name, address, telephone number, cell phone number and email address;
  • A brief summary of the play;
  • A short summary of the playwright’s career/experience to date.
  • Full length plays only. The submission must have a minimum playing time of 45-50 minutes.
  • Electronic submissions only.