Saturday, December 9, 2017

Transcendence Theatre Collective seeks new plays

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Transcendence Theatre Collective is a new company entering its premiere season. We strive to promote the newest generation of theater makers with specific emphasis on those who are traditionally underrepresented in theatre. We will achieve this by actively reaching out to new playwrights, directors and actors who have not been given the opportunity to showcase their abilities because of their differences. The first part of that is of course: playwrights.

We are seeking out new plays (90 minutes max and no musicals) from aspiring playwrights of all kinds. We will choose a top 3 and then those will be read throughout the Spring (Feb 15, March 15, and April 12) at a venue in Manhattan. Finally we will choose from those 3 and take it to full production for an approximate 4-show run.

None of this can happen without your work being submitted! It doesn't cost you anything and if your work get chosen it still won't cost you anything other than time and your work will be being promoted throughout New York City.