Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Nora Salon submission guidelines

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The Nora Salon (TNS), Nora’s Playhouse’s new monthly reading series, is an opportunity for emerging women playwrights from diverse backgrounds and life experiences to hear their work read aloud in a cozy, casual setting.

TNS is also an informal gathering of artists and Nora’s supporters who want an inside look at how plays get from page to stage and the opportunity to participate in the development process.

Since formally launching in January 2017, we are off to a roaring start with every TNS to-date being filled to maximum capacity.

We welcome submissions of any genre and length, provided they:

  • are by women playwrights in the NYC area,
  • centrally feature women’s stories and perspectives,
  • have not yet had a production.
  • Finished pieces and works-in-progress both welcome.

Please email a copy of your submission along with a brief cover letter to Rebecca at