Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Aberrant Theatre is currently seeking short, horror themed plays

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Aberrant Theatre is currently seeking short, horror themed plays to be produced as part of our upcoming Ghost Light Anthology.
Working from an anthology model akin to Creepshow or Tales from the Crypt, Aberrant Theatre will be presenting an evening of short, scary plays as part of what we hope will become an annual event.

The event will take place at The Box in Toronto during the last half of October, with each play receiving 8 performances. Exact performance schedule TBA.

Please read the following information carefully:

- Plays selected will feature small casts, and will have a run time of no more than 20 minutes.

- Preference will be given to pieces requiring minimal sets, costumes, props and / or effects.

- Aberrant Theatre is committed to creating a platform for marginalized identities and experiences, including race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, class, sexuality, education, ability, and accessibility. Selected pieces will reflect this commitment.

- Pieces must not contain any intellectual property which doesn't belong to the author. Pieces featuring intellectual property from the public domain will also be accepted.

- There is no fee to submit your play, nor will monetary compensation be guaranteed for participating in the project. An honorarium may be awarded to plays selected for production, dependant on funding.

Otherwise, the blood-red sky is the limit. Send us your monsters, your killers, your things that go bump in the night. Join us as we add a spooky new tradition to the Toronto theatre scene.

Submission Deadline: June 1st, 2018. 

Successful applicants can expect to be contacted shortly after this date, however due to the volume of submissions only those selected for production will be contacted.

Please email your submissions to using the subject line "Ghost Light Submission". If applicable, please also include details on any past performances of your piece, including when & where any past productions have occurred.

About the Company:

Based in Toronto, Ontario, Aberrant Theatre was founded in 2017 with the intention of bringing the horror genre to the stage through a lens of social responsibility. This will be it's inaugural production, with the intention of becoming an annual event.

Please visit our Facebook page for updates!