Thursday, March 29, 2018

Punk Monkey Productions seeking one-act plays

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Punk Monkey Productions is now accepting one-act plays for their seventh season of PL.A.Y Noir. Submissions should ideally range from between 10 to 20 and are required to fall in the genre of Film Noir and tradition of the vintage crime novels of the 30s and 40s by Chandler, Hammett, and Cain (think private detectives, femme fatales, unscrupulous villains, etc.).

For a frame of reference, please look at movies like The Big Sleep, The Maltese Falcon, and The Third Man. Entries may include dramas or comedies, and may be set in classic Noir period (40s-50s) through the present day, or even future, as long as they fall under the umbrella of noir.

Selected pieces will receive a four-week/twelve performance run in the fall of 2018 at The Actor’s Workout Studio in the North Hollywood Arts District, as well as, non-exclusive publication in a collection of the season’s selected plays.

For more details, visit
Scripts may be emailed to

Submission deadline is May 31, 2018.