Monday, March 5, 2018

Sixth Theatre Brut Short-Play Festival

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New Jersey Repertory Company invites playwrights to submit plays for its Sixth Theatre Brut Short-Play Festival. The theme is “WHEN THE CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN".

Plays can be dramatic, political, comedic, musical, monologue, or whatever sparks your interest. Although the theme is specified, we are not prescriptive with regard to style, and how you interpret the theme is the province of each playwright. Keep in mind that Theatre Brut seeks to foster “the creative impulse unfettered by social and artistic convention” so let your imagination soar and be adventurous. If you have ever aspired to "experiment" or stretch the boundaries of theater, this is the time to do so. Prior festivals have received 300-450 submissions and approximately 25 plays are chosen for each event. There is no compensation and playwrights retain all copyright of their works. Performances will be September 21 - 30, 2018 at NJ Rep - West End Arts, Long Branch, NJ and will be supplemented by other arts events including live music, poetry readings, an art show and photography exhibit.

Submitted works must adhere to the following guidelines:
• Must be previously unpublished.
• Although previously unproduced work is preferred, you may submit plays that have had no more than one professional production, as long as it was not produced in New Jersey or New York City.
• Must be 10-15 minutes in length.
• Cast should not exceed 4 actors, including any musicians.
• No doubling - one actor cannot play more than one role.
• The stage is small so set requirements must be simple, and prop requirements modest.
• No set or costume changes, please.
• No consumables other than liquids.
• No nudity.
• Only one submission per playwright.

The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2018.

How to Apply:

SUBMISSIONS: Should be emailed to Make sure you include:
• An attachment of the full script in word or PDF.
• A brief synopsis.
• A character breakdown.
• Playwright bio.
• Playwright address, phone number, and email.

In the subject line please put “Theatre Brut submission”. If your play does not follow these guidelines or does not include the submission materials, it will not be considered. The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2018. Please feel free to forward this request to interested parties. Thank you.