Monday, April 9, 2018

Falso Mutis presents: First Open Call: Playwriting

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In order to display and recognize the contemporary theater scene, the digital magazine Falso
Mutis announces its first open call in the genre of Dramaturgy. It is open to all writers without distinction of sex, race, age and / or nationality. We will accept micro-theater plays and full length plays, in both Spanish and English. The plays selected will be published on the official website of the magazine:

1. All writers can participate without distinction of sex, race, age and / or nationality.
2. Each writer or theatre company can submit only (1) one play per category.
3. The play must be an original composition. It cannot have been published before.
4. We will not accept individual scenes, performances or theater exercise. It has to be a complete play with a beginning, development and ending.
5. The writer or theater group must have all the intellectual property rights for the play.

1. The text must be submitted digitally with a letter page in 12 point Arial font, numbered pages and 1.5 line spacing. For the micro-theater category, it must not exceed twenty (20) pages and for full length plays, it must not exceed forty-five (45) pages. There is no required theme or format for the plays, however it must have at least one (1) act. 
2. The play can be in Spanish or English. It can be sent in either language or both. 
3. The text must be sent in PDF format. Please leave the author’s name off of the script to ensure anonymity, include only the title and pseudonym. The following information must be included in the application:
a) Author’s name
b) Pseudonym
c) Title of the play
d) E-mail
e) Telephone number
f) Country of origin
g) Short biography (max. 75 words)
h) Headshot
i) Authorization letter signed by the author.
4. The documents, including the play, have to be sent to the following email address:

5. The open call starts on March 15, 2018 and the deadline for applications is on April 20, 2018.
We will not accept submissions after the closing date.

Selection of texts
1. The editorial board of the magazine will choose dramatic works that best meet the requirements. Those which are not selected will be deleted to protect the author’s rights. Under no circumstances will the plays be used for any other purpose than the evaluation of this open call.

2. The award consists of the publication in the inaugural issue of the digital theater magazine, Falso Mutis.

3. After the deliberation playwrights will be notified by email of the editorial board’s decision. The results will also be presented through social networks and the magazine’s official website.

For more information: