Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Protest Plays' Get Out the Vote! Initiative

web site

We are looking for 1-3 minute non-partisan plays/monologues which activate audiences to vote/register to vote for the midterm elections.

Plays/Monologues should:
  • Be easy to stage. We’re asking theatres to perform these pieces before their shows this summer and fall, so your play needs to be flexible enough to work in front of a curtain, on a crazy multi-level set, or even in a lobby and with whatever acting talent they have involved in their current productions.
  • On that note, some theatres may be thrilled by plays for kids, short musicals, plays that incorporate the ushers or FOH staff, so get creative!
  • Encourage audiences to register/vote. Plays should NOT be telling audiences who/which party they should vote for.
After you complete the form below, email your play to us:
  • BLIND (no author info on script)
  • In PDF format
  • Saved as PLAY TITLE.pdf
Then, keep an eye out for an email from us!  We’re going to use LBDI’s peer-evaluation process to select our finalists, which means each of you will read and respond to a selection of plays.
  • Multiple submissions ok! But you MUST complete separate registrations for each script.
  • Plays must be received by April 12th
  • Peer eval window will begin April 15th

Connect with us!  We are looking for creative partners who want to present Get Out The Vote! plays before their regular programming this summer and fall.  Plays will be short (1-3 minutes) and easy to fold into your pre-show rituals.  Contact us at ProtestPlays@LittleBlackDressINK

Other ways you can help activate audiences to register and to vote in the midterm elections
  • Invite voter registration groups to send reps to your shows!  Register audiences in the lobby pre/post-show & during intermission.  Offer the reps free tix in exchange for their time.
  • Curate a political reading series with play selections that address concerns facing your community/the nation.
  • Invite civics/political science instructors to lead a non-partisan salon at your theatre. Include play/poetry readings that ask questions about issues facing your community/the nation.
  • Partner with local playwrights to write short plays in response to issues on the ballot in your community/the nation.  Present these plays to the public (either as readings or as performances). Allow  time for audiences to discuss the plays with the creative team and local experts on the issues raised – provide snacks!

*** There are two steps to submitting your play ***

2. Email a PDF of your script to protestplays@LittleBlackDressINK.org (Blind PDF = no playwright info anywhere on the script!)
  • Make sure you use the following for your email subject line: “Playwright Name – Script Title”